The Sawyer Booking Fee is paid directly to Sawyer and will appear as a separate transaction on your bank statement upon completion of your order. You’ll see two transactions:
The total price of the items, fees, and services booked with the activity provider
The Sawyer Booking Fee - $2.99*
You can view the booking fee on every applicable order at checkout, in your order confirmation email, and on your order receipt when viewing your My Account orders page.
Note: Each provider featured on Sawyer is an independently owned business that lists their services and schedules on our booking platform. The pricing and fees associated with the cost of services booked directly from the business are separate from the Sawyer Booking Fee.
*Booking Fees are determined by where the customer places the order and the order total. This non-refundable fee is applied once per order and is not applicable on future recurring charges such as automatic billing, payment plans, and membership fees or on orders $30 or less*.
For orders placed on the Sawyer Marketplace (
- A $2.99 Sawyer Booking Fee is applied to orders above $30 and under $100.
- Effective May 1st, 2024: A $3.99 Sawyer Booking Fee is applied to orders above $100.
For orders placed on business sites that use the Sawyer Widget:
- A $1.99 Sawyer Booking Fee will be applied to orders above $30 and under $100.
- Effective July 1st, 2024: A $3.99 Sawyer Booking Fee is applied to orders above $100.